Muay Thai Tricks of Fists : Cherng Mad 08/15 PAJON CHANG SAN

Muay Thai Cherng Mad 15 Cherng (the tricks of fists)

08/15 PAJON CHANG SAN : Throws the punch and kick at the same time

The boxer throws the right punch to the opponent's chin and swings the left kick to the opponent’s rib. This trick is used for attack; defense or escapes with the opponent who work with wided angle guards.

To protect : wipe back both of the fists of the opponent then turn right and press down the right elbow to guarded the opponent's kick.

To counter : throw the left foot. Or left shin to the opponent's rib. If the boxer is a left handed fighter reverse the descriptions from right

Cherng Muay means methods of the usage of fists, feet, knees and elbows (in Muay Thai art) as the skills of attack defense. Cherng Muay are divided into four methods (4 Cherng);
  • Cherng Mad 15 Cherng
  • Cherng Sok 24 Cherng
  • Cherng Khao 11 Cherng
  • Cherng Thao 15 Cherng